
Emma's Daycare Adventure Begins

My baby girl grew up overnight it seems, and has started daycare. Not preschool, but daycare (granted it’s in the same building and to my surprise isn’t all that different as far as lesson plans go).

Her first day was on August 20, 2014. She arrived at 7:45am and was very excited. From the day she could say the word “bus” she’s been told that one day she will go to school, and then once she’s a bit older she will get to ride the bus to school. So she was all pumped up to go. However, I don’t think she knew that we wouldn’t be with her while she was there.

I prepped for four days before her first day. We talked about what she would do while she was there, we bought her teachers some gifts (Kleenex and hand sanitizer), we wrote her name on all of her things, we picked out which blanket would be her school blanket, we found something for her naptime binky to be stored in, and we talked a lot about what she could and could not do in school.

Her first week went really well! Here’s a little about it.


Breakfast was pancakes with syrup and a banana, her favorite. I called to check in at 10:30 and she had already played with Playdoh (her first time ever) and finger painted. I can’t remember what she had for lunch, but I later found out she ate it all, which is great. Nap time was a little tough. They have cots that they sleep on and it took her a little over 30 minutes to fall asleep; it’s a new place, and a new routine (not to mention an hour earlier than she’s used to). After nap was snack time and they had a brownie and milk – how cute!!! I went to pick her up and she was excited to see me and wanted to show me all of their toys. I did find out that she got in trouble for running (she loves running). I got her paper and talked to her teacher a bit. We determined she was constipated, poor baby. She talked all the way home about what they did for the day! She also said that she wanted to go back the next day.


On the way in she protested school saying that she wanted to go to Grandma and Pawpaw’s house instead (the school is maybe a half mile from their house and she knows it). Once we got there though she was fine. At first she didn’t want me to put her down, but she was hungry so that ended fast. Breakfast was cinnamon toast and applesauce.  I only called once this day and I waited until after nap. They had played outside, and she was complaining to her teachers that she was scared and couldn’t potty. She had gone a bit before/during nap that day too, and wound up with some diaper rash from it. Lunch was hot dog and french fries, but apparently the kids were all upset because they were out of ketchup. When I picked her up this day, she was crying. I found out that it was because I was one of the last parents there and she was sad because I hadn’t gotten her yet. That hurt. Her teacher and I talked a bit. Miss Rachel informed me that Emma had complained she was hungry all day long. When we left she told me all about her day again and said that she wanted to go back the next day. *That night she ate the most dinner I’ve ever seen her eat!


Emma had a doctor appointment this morning, so she didn’t get to school until around 10. When we got there, she was whining that she didn’t want me to leave. That ended in a hurry when she saw that some kids were playing with shaving cream! She stood at the table watching and I noticed that only a few at a time get to do certain activities. I like that! It teaches them to share and wait their turn. While I was still there, she did a great job at just watching (I was waiting for her to stick her hand in). She had sloppy joes and corn for lunch (which she loves both), and wheat thins and carrots as a snack. On Fridays they get to bring home their artwork. This day Gene got to pick her up from school so he grabbed her blanket to wash over the weekend, and all of her goodies from the week. She had two pages from coloring, and two stamp art projects. Seriously, my heart melts when she gets to “tell” me about her artwork. I just love it; I eat it up. I asked her again this day if she wanted to go back to school and she said yes.

Here are my overall thoughts about daycare in general:

I have to wake Emma up sixty or ninety minutes before her normal wake-up time to be dressed and ready for school (and her breathing treatment done) – I send her to her Grandparents’ house in her pjs and hair not done. As a bonus, waking her early helps a ton with the naptime there. She is super hyper when she comes home for some reason and wants to run a lot since she can’t at school. She talks a lot more on those nights as well. She sleeps great! We do bedtime a bit earlier each night because she’s exhausted. Because she had skin issues, and her doctor says we shouldn’t give her a bath but every three nights (we do it every other anyway), we use a washrag or baby wipes to wipe her body down each night before bed. Dinner is an issue because she’s so hungry at 5:30 and we don’t usually eat until 6:30. If we give her a snack she won’t eat dinner, but I never have anything ready until 6:30. I’m going to have to try to remember to make crock-pot meals more often on these days.

Here are my thoughts on the school Emma is going to:

I know it’s only been a week, but I LOVE THEM!!! She is going to BrightStart Academy in St. Charles, and let me tell you, they are a blessing that I never even knew was there. We toured the school on Thursday, August 14th. When we got there, I immediately liked how the children who were outside looked so happy and the teachers were watching them closely. We rang the bell, and a woman answered asking us how she could help us. I said “I know you! Oh, we are here to tour the school.” She let us in, and she asked how I knew her. I asked her name and she asked mine. Then I said “Did you work at Patterson daycare?” Yes! Turns out she was MY preschool teacher! That was it, I was sold. I loved daycare. I loved preschool. I loved pre-k. All of it because the teachers were great, the school was warm and cozy, and it was an all-around good time every single day. We still looked at the “Two Room” and listened to sample lesson plans, and learned the do’s and don’ts, but I was already sold and knew Emma would go there. So the next Monday, we turned in our paperwork to start that week! Now, there are little things that I wish were different... like I wish they were offered water throughout the day, I wish the snack was either a bit later in the day or a bit bigger, and I do wish there was one more teacher in the classroom (there are 2 for up to 16 or 17 kids), but all of that I just let slide because everything seems to be going good “knock on wood.” And Emma’s teachers seem great – they actually make me want to work there!

So, there you have it. Emma started daycare. We are getting into week two, and hopefully it’s as good as the first if not better. Wish us luck!


My Two-Year-Old has Asthma

The last two weeks have been crazy, to say the least. I think my head is still spinning from trying to keep up!

On Thursday, August 14th, my Mom, Emma and I went to take a peek at a daycare early in the morning (another post to come later on that).  After the daycare visit, I dropped them back off at my parents’ house, and I headed off to work. I got about ten minutes down the road and my mom called, but when I picked up it was Emma on the phone. I couldn’t even make out a single word that she was saying. My Mom then got on the phone and said “did you hear it?” I said, “hear what?” Turns out, she couldn’t breathe. She was struggling and gasping for air. She couldn’t even get out a full sentence. That’s why I couldn’t understand her.

I hung up and called Emma’s doctor right away (as I’m still driving to work because I had something that day that I couldn’t really miss) and asked if we should bring her in or take her to the ER. They said to bring her there, so my Mom did right away (had they said the hospital I would have turned around to take her myself). After a long wait time to be seen, turns out she was having an asthma attack.

She had been having breathing problems with each and every cold for the last year. The doctor said that while she was having a hard time getting air into her lungs, he couldn’t confirm asthma or allergies, so he contributed each case to the colds. Well this one was again brought on by the cold she had, but it was enough to diagnose her.

My Mom did great remembering all of the info, and she magically always seems to ask the same questions that I would. However, Dr. Murphy wanted me to take her in for her follow-up, not my Mom. I should note that I did not have even the smallest knowledge about asthma. I was clueless. I spent a lot of time since then researching and asking questions.

That first night was bad. Emma’s breathing was shallow and quick. We never did shut her door because I couldn’t hear her breathing through the monitor. I checked on her about every 10 minutes until 11:30pm when we had to wake her for another breathing treatment. She was so tired that she screamed and cried to go back to bed. We got through the treatment though and she went right back to sleep. She’d periodically cough through the night and we’d get up often to check on her, but I didn’t have the heart to wake her at 3:30am for another treatment.

Treatments are done by putting an albuterol solution into a compressor nebulizer and breathing normally while the mask is over the mouth and nose. It’s like a little steam machine. The problem though is that they aren’t as effective since not all of the steam (vapor) can get inhaled, so you’re not getting the amount of medicine that your body needs. Unfortunately, this is the only option to treat a toddler. The other downside is that if the child breathes through their mouth they need to rinse their mouth afterward – whoever thinks that a fresh two-year-old will do that is off their rocker. We use a binky during the treatment most of the time because she won’t rinse her mouth, and that’s easier than using a towel to wipe out her mouth. Haha.

Since her diagnosis, she was given two more medicines. The albuterol is the “rescue” medicine that helps for emergencies, but the doctor said we needed something else that’s quick to clear out her passages, and another that’s long-term that would help to prevent attacks.

First, she needed a 6 day supply of a liquid steroid to treat the inflammation for this attack right away. That night I opened the medicine, took a tiny sip and thought to myself “this tastes good, so this should be easy.” I was wrong. First dose was great. She drank it all, cringed a bit, then said “that’s nummy” all while making a slurping noise that my Dad taught her for some reason. The next morning, before work, I gave her the second dose. She drank about ¾ of it but wouldn’t take the rest of it because “it’s icky.” After ten minutes of trying to force her to drink the rest, I gave up. That night, it was a full-blown battle. Kicking, screaming, hitting, running, etc. It ended with us laying holding her down, propping her head up, and dumping it in her mouth, all while praying that some would go down her throat. I’m pretty sure the majority of it ended up all over the blanket. The next couple tries were funny. I put a dose in some strawberry applesauce. One bite and she knew. There went that. Next was a dose in some kool-aid – I thought for sure this would work. Nope. She knew and wouldn’t drink it. Last was some apple juice. She drank that one, and one the next day, but that was it, she knew. I was done. I decided to just accept the fact that she wouldn’t take it.

Second, we had to start her long-term treatment of Pulmicort (by AstraZeneca, if you’ve seen the commercials). It’s a nebulizer treatment again, that we have to do twice a day, for SIX MONTHS! Then, after those six months are up, if she doesn’t have one bout of wheezing, we can go down to just once a day for another six months. If she has an attack at any point, then we have to start all over. This medicine is $75 per month! I said that, but it’s not the money part that is overwhelming, it’s the year-long nuisance. But of course we are going to do whatever it takes; I’m just still in the shock phase of the whole thing.

So now, we are just monitoring her every move. Each time she gets winded from playing we have to watch to make sure she can calm down. Each sneeze or cough could indicate another cold coming on that could start an attack. We have to make sure that the house stays clean and dust free, filters changed on time, purifier running in her room, cool mist humidifier cleaned well, etc.

While I’m so grateful that we finally got all of this figured out, I’m a bit overwhelmed at the necessities right now. I’m hoping that we can all get into a good routine that will get us over this speed bump quickly and without too much more stress.

I wish I had words of wisdom for other Mommas out there, but for right now, I’m probably the one who could use those words. 


Emma is Officially TWO!


Well, I’m a couple weeks late on this post; story of my life lately. I have no idea when life in general got so busy, but it has. I’m not complaining, it’s way fun, but more and more is being put “on the back burner” until I have more time. So, here it is, 10pm on a Thursday night. Emma is sound asleep in bed, the hubs is out to see a movie courtesy of a friend, and I’m attempting to blog about my baby girl turning two (two weeks ago… wait, make that three weeks ago).


Wow, where has the time gone? It feels like just a few months ago I returned to work from maternity leave with a puffy face and swollen eyes from the sorrows of facing leaving her for an entire day. Ah, memories. In reality that was 22+ months ago.

On July 12, 2014 (her actual birthday) we threw a Curious George themed bash for Emma at home. We sent custom invitations (thanks, Allie!) to more than 40 guests and we had a great turnout! Everything went pretty well, except for the heat factor. We had gone a good week with cool temperatures only to wake on that Saturday to 80 degrees at 7am. I’m pretty sure the heat index pushed us into triple digits, but who had the time to really keep track?

I did a pretty good job of planning the food situation ahead of time. We had chicken strips, deli sandwiches, pasta salad, little smokies, roasted red pepper hummus, overnight salad, chips, popcorn, etc. Then of course we had watermelon, strawberries, blueberries and cake and ice cream. Our good friend Connie even brought over some homemade zucchini bread (fyi, I’ve never had it before, and it was divine!). Then there were many drink options – soda, tea, lemonade, juice and water. Sounds good, right? Well, low and behold I forgot to tell everyone about the tea, lemonade, bottled water and juice. Go figure. I feel awful about it.

The kids had a lot to play with outside. My house is kind of small so there wasn’t too much room for play inside, but I did have Emma’s play room sanitized and ready to go if anyone needed a break from the heat. Outside we had a sandbox, trampoline, tiny pool, water table, play house, tot picnic table, and the biggest hit, an old-fashioned lawn sprinkler. The kiddos loved it.


Before people had to take off we squeezed in some gift opening. Emma did okay with this part, but each present opened resulted in “Open, Momma.” She got some great gifts, and I am so thankful. She loves them all! There are too many to list out here, but just to name a few, she got a “doctor dog” which is a Barbie veterinarian set, elefun, aquadoodle, bouncy balls, etc. Oh, there was/is so much. She’s been go, go, go every night since playing with everything.

It was all said and done at 3:00pm, and we were exhausted. Emma fell right to sleep, my parents packed up what they had brought, and I finished cleaning up. It felt awesome to have so many people come out for my baby girl. I love her so much, and to see other people love her, it just overflows my heart. To everyone who came, or wanted to come but extended their birthday wishes and regrets, thank you! Thank you for loving the person that is my whole world.


We took Emma for her two year check-up on Thursday, July 24th. It needed to be pushed back because it was also a follow-up after she had some breathing problems from a cold. No shots at this one (actually, no more for a couple years I think).

Here are her stats at 2 years, 12 days old:

-          -  Height: 37.5 inches tall (>99%)
-          - Weight: 34 pounds, 8 ounces (>99%)
-          - Head: 48.9 centimeters (90%)
-          - Teeth: 16 teeth, gums swollen for 2 year molars.
-          - Hair: About 2” below shoulders, had one trim.

She’s so independent it kills me. She hardly ever wants my help, and I don’t dare to offer it unless she asks because an all-out fit will ensue. She can count to thirteen, and she can sing the alphabet. She can “read” two whole books and sing countless songs. She speaks full sentences and we can have conversations. Those are my favorite. She will tell us what she did that day with Grandma and PawPaw, or what happened on one of her “shows.”

Here are some of her likes:  

-          Food: Pancakes, Chicken Nuggets, PB&J, Spaghetti O’s, Beanie Weenies, French Fries, Ice Cream, Black Olives, Blueberries.
-          - Drinks: Milk, Chocolate Milk (super rare), Juice (half water, half juice), Water.
-          - Movies: Curious George, Little Mermaid, Finding Nemo.
-          - TV: Curious George, Barney, Caillou, Bubble Guppies, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Sesame Street, Pocoyo, Peppa Pig.
-          - Songs: Old MacDonald, Happy Birthday [to Emma], Ring Around the Rosey, Wheels on the Bus.
-         -  Toys: Little People, Aquadoodle, Baby Doll, “Doctor Dog.”
-          - Pastimes: Putting DVDs in the DVD player, Taking DVDs out of the DVD player, Putting DVDs in the case, Taking DVDs out of the case.

Here are some of her dislikes:

-          - Food: Pizza, Pineapple, Tomato, Asparagus.
-          - Drinks: Pedialyte.
-          - Movies: Anything Adult, and she doesn’t really care about Frozen for some reason.
-          - TV: Anything Adult.
-          - Songs: None.
-          - Toys: Anything that’s not new. Oy.
-          - Pastimes: Diaper changes… STILL.

She’s getting to be so smart. I totally understand where the term “too smart for their own good” came from! We have our Parents as Teachers meeting on the 16th, and I am so excited to see where they think she is at. I feel like she’s so advanced! Well, except for potty training. She understands it, but she just doesn’t want to. It’s frustrating to me, but her doctor says not to force her to do it because they start to hold their potty… so we are waiting for her to be ready.

I am also going to look into daycares. I think I found one that looks appealing, but it’s almost school season so they may be booked. I’ve been on the fence, from the day she was born, about daycare and other people watching her, but I think it’s time for her to be around other kids more. She’s doesn’t know how to interact with kids very well, and she definitely isn’t big on sharing, so I think daycare/early education might be the way to go; even if it’s just one or two days a week. I can post on that once it happens… if it happens.

So there you go! My Our Emma is two! I can hardly believe it. As much as I enjoy watching her grow and develop, I miss my baby.