Wow, you guys, it’s half way through July and I haven’t even
posted yet! Have you missed me? ;-)
As you may know, Emma’s birthday falls in July. It has been a
whirlwind of birthday prep, party prep, and then everything in between.
Back-to-back birthday months for the girls is killer! My brain is mush with
everything I need to remember. Mind you, I also had a week vacation at the
beginning of the month and I’m not any more relaxed, refreshed, reorganized, or
anything “RE” related.
Vacation Recap:
I took off the four days following our Independence Day
holiday. I had plans, sure, but not many. Tuesday I would hang out with my Mom
and run some errands with her, Wednesday I would have a pamper type day
complete with massage and haircut, Thursday I would get stuff done around the
house, and Friday my Mom was coming over for us to work on the house as well.
Let me tell you, that aside from hanging out with my Mom and getting my massage
and hair cut, I didn’t get anything done that I wanted to. And I didn’t even
relax or have fun! It was all a bunch of chaotic, impromptu things that popped
up out of nowhere to take up all of my time. Yuck! So, I went back to work the
following Monday with a stiff neck and no more relaxed than when I left.
Emma’s Birthday Recap:
My little girl is growing up so fast. I can’t believe it was
four years ago that she was plucked from my belly and brought into this world.
She weighs in at 40 pounds, 4 ounces and she is 41 inches tall. We upgraded her
to a booster seat in the car, so, it’s official… she’s a big girl.
She got loads of good presents from her grandparents as well
as from Gene and I, and she has been playing with all of them non-stop. Books,
toys, dress-up clothes, shopkins, Ray-Ban sunglasses, and a few more things. We
also took cupcakes to her school on her actual birthday for her and her friends
to eat to celebrate. She picked out the cupcakes herself.
She has been talking about her birthday and birthday party
non-stop. Poor girl has no concept of time. When I try to tell her that her
party is in three days (on Sunday), all she says is “When I wake up from nap?”
All the conversations in the world could not explain to her how time works.
My Life Recap:
Oh, you know, I’m still falling apart. I’ve had a stiff neck
for ump-teen days now and it’s not getting any better. I also still have some
sinus issues going on… if you remember, I had some sort of sinus bug for a
little over 4 weeks; Alice had the same thing for at least 5 weeks! I also have
some swollen glands that kind of ache. Is this what getting older is like?!?!
A co-worker, a good friend at work, found her dream job and
left us for bigger and better things. It was sad. She became a confidant to me.
She was one of those people that saw the good in everything. She is going to
make a ton of new friends at her new job though, so she will be totally fine.
Me? We’ll see.
My Mom is a wonderful painter. Not like recreational
painting, but like painting a living room. Haha. I recruited her to repaint our
living room wall. It went from being a tasteful lime green to light beige. It’s
so not me. But, if we are ever going to sell the house, we need to make it as
neutral as possible. We ran low on paint though so we didn’t get to do the
second accent wall; I need to buy a second gallon. Too bad I don’t remember the
name of the color I chose. Oy vay.

I am OBSESSED with my kids. When they’re around, I can feel
myself get frustrated and I want a break (all they do is fight with each other),
but when they’re not around or they're out of my sight, I miss them so much. I stare at
their pictures while I’m at work, I text my Mom way too often to check in on
them when she has them, and I give them way too many kisses when they’re with
me. They probably think this is the way all moms act. Haha. I just love them so
much, and I can’t get enough of them. Am I the only one out there like this?
Bridal shower crunch time is upon us. We have officially booked
the location, so all that’s left are the details; the invitations, the games,
the cake, the food… easy peasy. I’m actually starting to look forward to it now
that it’s getting closer and it’s becoming a reality. I’m also trying to keep
it minimal stress for the bridesmaids. With two bridal showers, a bachelorette
party, dress alterations, and everything in between, it can be very stressful. So
I’m doing a little DIY here and there as I can, and hopefully it will all just
come together in the end and be the perfect bridal shower that we all had in
So, that’s pretty much my first half of July in a nutshell.
I have a couple things going on in the background that I can’t really talk
about yet, but maybe one day soon.
Leave a comment, don’t be shy! Let me know what you think.