
Look Out World... I'm Back!

Well, did you miss me?

Who knew having a baby and a toddler at the same time would be so hard?!? Turns out the toddler isn’t much help around the house. Haha. Here are the more recent pictures of the two:

You’re probably wondering why I have a new look for my blog. And a new name. Here’s my story in a nutshell:

One day I noticed that the majority of the blogs that I read about other moms out there, are either wealthy moms, stay at home moms, or both. I found myself wondering why I read them all the time; I don’t relate to them – I work full-time, I don’t take my kids on trips through the week, we don’t belong to clubs, we can’t afford to take vacations, and we just do the “normal” activities on the weekends (or we do all the chores that we didn’t have time to do through the week). Don’t get me wrong, I’m still going to follow them and read their blogs, but I was at a loss for where all the “average” moms were out there, going through the same motions as me.

It dawned on me as I was running on fumes the other night after working all day, making dinner, putting away dinner, running a load of laundry, giving both girls baths and then doing our whole bedtime routine, that THIS is why there aren’t many bloggers out there like me… there’s not enough time in the day! I mean, I’m living proof! I went from blogging twice a week, to once a week, to twice a month, to once a month, to never.

I know some of you feel my pain. By the time I’ve done my daily routine, I’m found sitting on the couch watching Frasier at 9:30pm trying to keep my eyes open long enough to get through the day’s Instagram posts. I usually never make it and give in to my tired eyes. Lucky for me though I get to wake up at 2:30am every night, so I can usually finish my scrolling then (yes, it’s sarcasm, although I shouldn’t be like that because I love my time with the little one). And the weekends are jam packed with fun things so that I can experience my child’s happiness too. So, where am I supposed to fit in the time to post all the “mom things” when I don’t even have the time to vacuum?

Well, here’s the answer… I’m going to post whenever I can. That’s it. Here and there.. So, don’t expect a blog every day. Some weeks might have one, some might have more. Some might not have any. I’ll post on Instagram and Facebook almost daily, and my Pinterest feed will stay current on all things “working mom time-savers” and “kid crafts that don’t take a ton of effort.” Hopefully, while I probably don’t offer many tips on how to not break down into tears when your toddler has their fifth tantrum in Target, I can offer a little peace knowing that you’re not alone. There is another Mom out there walking on egg shells around her three year old. There is a Mom out there who also washes one bottle at a time because she doesn’t have the time to do them all at once. There is even another Mom out there who looks longingly at the couple noshing on Margaritas and street tacos while you’re stuck eating a cheese quesadilla that you didn’t want in the first place but ordered for the child who is now refusing to eat it but wants Daddy’s chicken taco instead. Yes, they are out there.

I won’t be able to give you tips on Mom clothes (unless you want to know that the six pairs of shoes I own are flats), and I’m not the right person to ask about the sauces that go best with a Quinoa salad, but I can tell you that you should find a way to hide your shoes (all of them) in your entry way, and Spaghetti O’s only need to be nuked for about 45 seconds to be just right to eat right away. Hahaha. In all seriousness, I’d be happy to share my preferences for baby necessities (the snugga-bunny swing is a sleep-saver), or how I juggle my time between work, home and everything in between, or even if you just want advice on what to look for in daycares if you’re looking to go back to work!

We are a blue collar family, living in the ever-changing Midwest. We aren’t fancy, and we are kind of a hot mess the majority of the time. But we are the norm… we are average. 

I am, The Average Momma. 


1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm excited you're back! We'll have to come up with a fun collaboration!
