Hello readers!
I guess you’ve noticed that I haven’t been posting much
lately. Isn’t that how life goes? One minute you’ve got your sh*t together and
everything falls into place for smooth daily life, and the next you’re cranking
it out day-to-day not even remembering the details as you go. In all
seriousness, I barely remember last week.
As you know, I work full-time, Monday through Friday. Work
life is chaotic right now. I’m working additional hours at home as well as at
the office, and I’m exhausted when I’m done. I honestly have no desire to even
look at a computer outside of work hours these days. And truth be told, I’m too
tired to do much of anything else either. I’m mentally, and physically, wiped
out. And I just sit at a desk analyzing all day long. *My husband tells me that
my job is easy because I just sit at a desk. That’s a whole other blog post
Anyway, life is going right along for our average little
family. Alice is learning so many new things each and every day, and we’ve
discovered that she has a love for singing. My heart melts every time she sings
too. Emma is growing up to be a proper little lady. She’s so polite and sweet…
most of the time. It’s funny to see how different they are. It’s like they’re
nothing alike! Emma is going to be the girly girl and Alice will be the sporty
type. Emma is very cautious and scared of everything, while Alice is
adventurous and a dare devil. Emma will eat just about anything you put in
front of her, and Alice is very selective (she eats veggies and such, she just
wants to choose what she eats and when). I swear you’d never know they were

The cutest thing going on right now though is how Alice will
do everything Emma does. If Emma is
playing Peppa Pig, then Alice has to join in. If Emma wants a snack, Alice
wants the same one. Shoot, Alice won’t even take a bite of that snack until
Emma does! I’m waiting for her to demand same outfits soon.
We’ve been packing our weekends full lately. I think that it’s
in large part to our inactivity through the week. I’m just too tired to do
anything after work, so we make sure to load up on the fun during the two days
we are all together. The bad thing about doing this though, is that it leaves
no time for rest, and no time for surprise events. I guess it’s a love/hate
We went to Disney on Ice last weekend, and Sesame Street
Live a couple weekends prior. This weekend is nothing but house cleaning and
updates (with a couple things thrown in). And the weather will be beautiful so
it stinks to have made all of the plans indoors. See?!?!
Oh! My big girl Emma will be starting dance classes soon! I’m
so excited for her! She love to dance. This is more ballet, but she watches
ballet cartoons and she talks about it all the time. Not only will she do good,
but she will look super cute doing it too. I can’t wait! Although it will be on
Thursday nights… so we will see how that goes.
I’ll try to post again soon… I’m hoping to have some GOOD
updates for you all. ;-)
Thanks for reading!
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