
Groupon Local - Convenient, with Money-Saving Powers!

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine.

As most of you I’m sure already know, I bit the bullet and bought a minivan at the start of the year. The conveniences of having a minivan are aplenty, but unfortunately, I think I may have bought an unlucky one. Figures, right? If I didn’t have bad luck, I’d have no luck at all.

Let’s just say that by the 7th month of ownership, I already needed a new windshield, a replacement mirror, and I maaaaaaay have been a few THOUSAND miles over for an oil change. I know, I know, the oil change isn’t the van’s fault.

Anyway, the hubs hooked me up by going to the pick and pull to find the little piece needed for the mirror to be repaired, but I was on my own for the windshield and oil change. What’s a frugal Mom to do, but scour the internet for deals, right?

Low and behold, my go-to (Groupon) was able to help me out.

In Groupon Local, you can search for anything you’re in need of. I searched for “windshield replacement” and there were four options to choose from. I picked one, bought the Groupon, then called them up and booked the replacement for that same week. Same goes for my oil change too! Had two options, and I picked the one closest to me for a quick pit stop one morning. Love it!

The other awesome thing about Groupon Local, which I think most people overlook, is the “Things To Do” part of it. If you don’t have plans this Saturday, and you want to do something that maybe you’ve never done before, but you’re not sure what that might entail, just check out Groupon Local. Just this morning when I checked out the Groupon App, the very first page alone was filled with so many options – Haunted House (already?!?!?), Distillery Tour, Sand Volleyball League, Foot Golf Package, Regular Golf, Mini Golf… and so many more! It’s like a never ending list of things to do.

An added bonus – They have so many things for kids too! There’s even a filter on their site just for Kids Activities.  Jumping at Sky Zone, Go Karts, Dress Up Packages… any time you have nothing on your agenda, you’ll have to check out all the fun stuff going on locally. There’s no need to drive hours just to wear your kids out playing. 

So if you’re living under a rock, and you haven’t heard of Groupon, you’ll have to check it out. If me and my husband use it, then you know it’s packed full of great deals! And it’s only a click, or an app away.

You can also follow Groupon on Facebook and Twitter for even more money-saving deals!

The Average Momma was compensated for this post, but all opinions are 100% honest and completely her own. She wouldn't even bother posting anything that she didn't find to be useful and/or helpful to other Mommas out there. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I love groupon! Never used it for local things though so great recommendation!
