
What to Get a Working Mom / Woman

Around the holidays, I get a lot of questions from friends and family asking me what I want for Christmas. It's a hard question because I have almost anything I could need at home, and while I want clothes, I don't really want anyone to pick them out for me.

So, I thought and thought, and I looked around at what my co-workers have and/or need. And I compiled a short list of quick go-tos for any working woman out there (I was going to say working Mom, but really these items work for anyone).

1. Anyone who works with a laptop, a bevvy of papers and office products or an iPad will appreciate a nice large bag to carry everything around with them. Leave it to MK to be the sylish go-fer this season. The one pictured is a Michael Kors Extra Large Leather Tote in grey.

2. Working at a desk all day can seem dull and boring. Some fun and whimsical decals can spruce up your laptop and keep you motivated. Etsy shop owner "KareAndDesign" has a ton of them to choose from.

3. I just love Franklin Covey planners. I haven't used one in years (I tend to like my lists), but I've been itching to get one for 2017. The one shown is a good option for a list maker like myself. It's a simple two-page calendar with lines to add your to-dos to. Every year I get into an organization mood for the new year, so I think this would help me out tremendously. Don't you?

4. This is an oldie but still a goodie. I love my Pilot G-2 07 pens. In fact, I'm obsessed. I also like to have different color options because a list-maker like myself needs to be able to easily separate tasks by importance, day or even department. To the person who stole my lime green G-2 07 pen off my desk - I know who you are, and I want it back.

5. When in doubt, a gift card works nicely. I can't tell you how many days I'm out and about in the city for work, and I have to buy lunch. A gift card would help to cut down on the amount of cash I have to use from not being able to brown bag it. Good options are Panera and Starbucks; carbs and coffee makes for a happy woman. And if food isn't cutting it, an Apple card would help to pay for apps and iTunes.

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